Thank You for popping over... if I have gone AWL, again...
Please come a knocking over at this door... I am, no doubt, up to something, as per usual...

Friday 7 November 2008


We have had the most glorious rain this week getting 30mls [well over an inch in the old scale] overnight - the garden so needed it, now I'm hopeful that the folks out west will get some too, as I know they are in dire straits...
I found this little guy while I was walking this week, poor thing must of been nearly hit by a car or something as he seemed to be OK just winded cause when I came back past he had gone - I hope the water I gave him helped & that our little Mr Kingfisher is doing OK now.
Thankful... for the wonderful rain we have had...


feather k said...

Howdy! :)...thanks for stopping by to visit me...come back anytime! I'm glad you were able to help this little fella...of course...I'm kinda partial to birds... :)

Cat said...

He has such pretty blue and green colors! Bless you for tending to him!

Anonymous said...

So sweet of you to help this beautiful little bird in need. I hope he managed ok.

Dawn said...

Aww Bethel what a gorgeous close up of the sweet birdie!
I just love animals, birds....