Thank You for popping over... if I have gone AWL, again...
Please come a knocking over at this door... I am, no doubt, up to something, as per usual...

Tuesday 18 March 2008

I wonder who has been to visit us ...

Lately when I get up in the morning I seem to find at least 1 or 2 shiny tracks on the garden path that weren't there the day before... well I found the culprit the other day ... and here it is ... just your ordinary garden variety type of snail...
What a shock, I couldn't make my camera work [it's only 7 mths old] & then to make matters worse the lens wouldn't go back in, so it's off at the camera doctor being fixed and could be a month without it. I took these photos with my cell phone but I now have a camera on loan as going without a camera is like without an arm - not good ... thanks for lending me your other camera L.

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