our eldest & her boys...
Our eldest Grandie became a member of
his church, which was an honour to see
& be a part of... also very inspiring...
It is a long drive up there to visit... and was
such a relief to find the heat up there wasn't
as humid as we are having here...
so consequently it felt so much cooler.
The time always flies past & it was time to
come home, again...
We always stop half-way to have some lunch
& to have the proverbial 'pit stop'... off we
went again & about one & half hours later
another pit stop & I usually get us a coffee
but alas no purse/wallet... OHHH nooo...
Yep... I had left it at our lunch-time pit stop...
No good going back as it was too far & no
doubt be gone by then if not already...
through all the cards I had in my purse that I
would have to get replaced & knowing I was
going to have a busy week without all this hassle
as well... BUT in the back of my mind I kept
thinking NO worries it will be handed in...
As soon we arrived home & before I rang the
police to report my purse lost I checked my
message back...
Yaaaaaa, my faith in mankind had been restored
because the message said that my purse had been
found & was being handed into a Police Station nearer
where I live... My Guardian Angel
had been working overtime for me... not only did
my purse get handed in, but for once, my caller
ID had picked up the phone # from the message...
something that has never happened before...
I was able to ring the lady concerned & thank
them... Thank You Vienna & Debbie.
I was just so grateful to them for their caring,
kindness & honesty...
A few days later we had a pleasant drive up
the range & claimed my purse & had a
lovely lunch on the way home...
All the time thinking how grateful I was &
how wonderful some people are, especially in
the light of the dreadful things that happened
[don't you just love the name of her blog...]
had awarded me the Sunshine Award...
Thank you so much Molly... I'm a tad embarrassed
Here is how it works...
The Sunshine Blog Award is awarded to
bloggers whose positive & creativity inspires
others in the blog world.
The rules for accepting the award are:
1.Put the logo on your blog or within your post.
2. Pass the award to 12?bloggers.
3. Link the nominees within your post.
4. Let them know they received this
award by commenting on their blog.
5. Share the love & link to the person
from whom you received this award
Now I'm not sure I will have 12 people but
Now I'm not sure I will have 12 people but
I will try... Please check their blogs out...
Mrs. Twins...
Live your life honestly & energetically.
Never subjugate yourself to the will
of others against your better judgement
and never live dishonestly.
My Angel always guides me to open
this book at the right passage... uncanny...