we have heard a couple of them during
the beautiful rain we have had of late,
usually at night...

but have not found them during the day

I think he/she found it a bit hot with
the sun glaring on his home...

as soon as he/she heard the click of the
camera he retreated...
He has lived in this self-watering pot for
years, but we haven't seen him for ages
& thought he may have gone to green
froggie heaven.
I re-located about 12 or 15 beautiful green
frogs from my eldest's place about 5 years
ago. They have an over-abundance of
them & find them a nuisance.
We brought them home here & re-located
into our water feature [see photos at
bottom of my blog]... many people said
they would all die... I wouldn't say we have
a lot of them but we do have at least 3 &
that is 3 more than we had when we came
here 7 years ago.
The dreadful cane toad kills them & he is
taking over the state so if we can rescue
some beautiful green frogs I will because
at least they have some chance in my garden.
Angel Message...
Do not worry about your age,
the depth of your knowledge or
the breadth of your experiences.
Celestial guidance comes to all those
who crave it.